Mori Gate
It is 13th gate of Lahore. Its building does not exist and it is present in between Lahoree Gate on the estern side and Bhatti Gate of the western side.  Its name is because of it small size as compared to other gates. Once three was Hindu locality. Because of the battle between Raja Jaypal and Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi the Muslim invader army came to Lahore. The walls and gates of Lahore were high and strong. The Sultan had engaged the city. Raja ran away and the people of the city continued the battle. Because of anger Sultan ordered to enter in the city by demolishing the wall from this area.
From Mori gate area they entered in the city. People were killed, the city was burnt. Malik Ayaaz as a governor of Lahore rebuilt it and here as a memorial of their victory he built a small gateway. The size of the gateway was small as compared to other gates. That's why it is called Mori Gate.